For Anyone. For Everyone.

We are working towards a world where everyone has the mental health first aid skills to support people with mental health problems.


What is Mental Health
First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid® (MHFA®) courses are a suite of internationally acclaimed and evidence-based, accredited training programs that empower and equip individuals with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to support a friend, family member or co-worker experiencing a mental health problem or experiencing a crisis such as being suicidal. 


Since it began in 2000, Mental Health First Aid International has been committed to evaluating its training programs using rigorous, scientific studies. Courses have been independently and academically peer-reviewed through studies both domestically and internationally.


TheMental Health First Aid Program has received a number of international awards, including being awarded the prestigious Australian THeMHS Medal.

Global Movement

Mental Health First Aid is a global program with over 8 million people world-wide having received training from over 67,000 accredited Mental Health First Aid Instructors. MHFA Programs are delivered by 30 active licensed providers in 29 countries.

Unparalleled Reach

Mental Health First Aid programs are adaptable to different countries, communities, participants, and target cohorts. It can be delivered at an individual level in small groups, or to workplaces, schools, clubs, and other community groups.
Light green round icon showing a group chat symbol

Lived Experience

Mental Health First Aid course curriculum is informed by a series of guidelines developed through the Delphi Consensus Method which includes people with lived experience of mental health problems and caregivers, in addition to clinical and research experts.

A Worldwide Presence

Mental Health First Aid® International, based in Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that develops, delivers and evaluates accredited mental health training programs, which can be licensed and culturally adapted by suitable mental health organisations in other countries.

Our organisation is a registered health promotion charity, operating within a professional, evidence-based model which has been extensively evaluated and is informed by lived experience.

Since the inception of the Mental Health First Aid Program in 2000, our organisation has evolved into a global movement with more than 67,000 accredited Mental Health First Aid Instructors delivering our courses in 29 countries working together to increase our global reach and impact. More than six million people have been trained worldwide as Mental Health First Aiders.




Over 8M people trained in Mental Health First Aid worldwide.

Currently 30 active Mental Health First Aid Programs being delivered in 29 countries.

More than 67,000 accredited Mental Health First Aid Instructors globally.

Mental Health is a
Global Priority

Mental illness is a growing global crisis. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Burden of Disease study estimate that almost 800,000 people die from suicide every year. That’s one person every 40 seconds.

Mental health is a complex personal, social and economic issue of concern for populations in every country. Modern society is presented with a myriad of stresses that can profoundly impact wellbeing, happiness, social participation, economic contribution and long-term life outcomes.

These complex issues require a robust, whole of system, stepped response inclusive of awareness, prevention, intervention, clinical care and postvention recovery support. Mental Health First Aid plays a unique and focused role within the broader mental health sector, offering targeted and proven services that are complementary of other efforts.

Illustration of a group of people communicating around a globe
Illustration of a group of people with research icons

Research and Evaluation

Since it began in 2000, Mental Health First Aid® (MHFA™) Australia has been committed to the evaluation of our training programs using rigorous, scientific studies. We have developed a strong research and evaluation base as the MHFA program has spread around the world. The international evidence provided from trials and other studies has been published in peer-reviewed journals and demonstrates the effectiveness of MHFA training.

The evidence informing Mental Health First Aid courses includes a series of Guidelines developed through the Delphi Consensus Method, a way of reaching consensus within and between expert groups. Experts included in these studies have included people with personal lived experience of mental health problems and caregivers, in addition to clinical and research experts from around the world.

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